Epistle of Straw, Structure of James, Voice of the End Times

Summary on the theme and structure of Letter of James

The Epistle of James (Letter of James) is a structure of 5 symmetric verse-pairs with the exhortation "the coming of the Lord is near", proved by simple prima facie evidence but only until today. For the Lord exhorts brethren to live daily lives by faith before He comes. The faith is the Sola Fide through which we are saved by grace. It is the faith with works.


David Kam

19 Nov 2022 (Last edit 08 January 2025)

The theme of the Letter of James * (from the "new" ancient structure **):

The theme of the Letter of James is "Live daily lives by faith, for the coming of the Lord is near."


God exhorts brethren to live daily lives by faith in loving Him. Having faith, brethren will be humble in perseverance. So, not be in doubt nor driven and tossed by the wind but standfast in His laws and statutes, in trials, and against earthly and demonic wisdom until the coming of the Lord which is near.


The Lord exhorts His coming is near. The Epistle by starting with the dispersed status of brethren (who may be under various trials in faith with joy), and also by highlighting the close coming of the Lord (in the second verse-pair of the new structure; see below) induces the rhetoric of the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky sending forth His angels with a great trumpet to gather His elects from the four winds (Mat 24:31).

* Likely implications of the theme of the Letter of James:

(1) To be humble before God and brethren in having faith, the Church will be one going through various trials especially in the disturbing End Times.

(2) Regarding loving God and keeping His teachings, the Epistle is the Deuteronomy from God before we see the end of the age whereas in the case of Deuteronomy by Moses, before the Israelites entered the promised land.

(3) Brethren living daily lives by faith showing works will be exalted. It is challenging especially in the End Times since justification is by works and not faith alone. God reminds brethren before the coming of the Lord that Sola Fide is that with works in daily lives.

(4) But the good news is the Lord is at the door. The dispersed brethren are about to be gathered. Their righteous acts will be the fine linen to clothe the bride in the marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:8).

(5) The one who perseveres till the end will be blessed.

** The structure of the Letter of James ***:

The Epistle of James proves itself today that it was inspired and organised in 5 pairs of similar verses by its own key words and phrases (see appendix 3 of the paper accessible below).


Do note in the pairing of verses to form the organisation, an  odd phrase highlights the coming of the Lord is near. It is in the same (second) verse pair as the basics of faith in living daily lives (i.e., being humble and patient). Living daily lives by faith is developed step-by-step from these basics of faith to detail daily live scenarios following the organisation of verse-pairs. The odd phrase on the close coming of the Lord corresponds to the odd phrase on the dispersed status of brethren (being not part of the 5 verse-pair organisation).

(For prima facie evidence of the 5-pair structure, please see appendix 3 of the paper accessible below.)

*** Implication of the Letter of James having a structure today:

The Word of God has come again from the Bible just as His Word on Salvation 500 years ago. In the "new" organisation, the scope (first) verse-pair provides for the context that faith (having or lacking) through which we are saved is reflected in living daily lives and that turning back one among us straying from the truth saves his soul from death when justification is not by faith alone.


Hence God exhorts to live daily lives by the faith through which we are saved before He comes. Take heed dispersed brethren to His Voice on living daily lives by faith in being humble in perseverance in the end times. The Lord's angels are sent forth to gather His elects when He comes on the clouds in the sky which is near.

(For a summary about the theme and structure of the Letter of James, please click the button above to download.)

The paper "Epistle of Straw (Structure of James | Voice of End Times)" focusing on the structure of five parallel pairs and the Voice has been published for free access (PDF version) or at the prescribed floor price. For spiritual development to endure in perseverance until the coming of the Lord, please check out the book "The Straw, the Voice of the End Times" in Amazon (Kindle), Google Books (PDF), and Lulu.com (eBook).

Epistle of Straw, Structure of James, Voice of the End Times

Seven questions for today

What is to be learnt from Christ Jesus when He says He is gentle and humble in heart?

What is the main noticeable characteristic of one who would receive the crown of life?

What is the main noticeable characteristic of one whom God will exalt?

How may we continue to live by faith even sing praise under persecution and sufferings?

What is the key to endure when we shall be hated because of His name?

What can we do or how may we keep watch so as not to fall from our own steadfastness under various hidden deceptions and temptations?

To put these in one question, would God let us have a systematic guidance in a comprehensive book for the end times to live by faith until the day of the Lord?

Hint: You may have answers from the structured teachings of the Epistle of James exhorting brethren today to live daily lives by faith for the Lord seems to indicate this is the end of times.

David Kam

For spiritual development to endure in perseverance until the coming of the Lord, check out

"The Straw, the Voice of the End Times" in Amazon (Kindle), Google Books (PDF), and Lulu.com (eBook).

The Voice - Amazon Kindle The Voice - Google PDF The Voice - Lulu.com

The paper focused on the divinely inspired structure and the Word of God from the “Straw” for the end times has been published for free access or at the prescribed floor price of the platform.

Title: Epistle of Straw (Structure of James | Voice of End Times)

Available at: Amazon (Kindle) and Google Books (PDF).

Paper - Kindle (floor price) Paper - Google Books (PDF, Free)
null To be available

The theme of the Letter of James

"Live by faith, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." This exhorting Voice of the End Times is crying from the Letter but not until 2,000 years after the Voice of one crying in the wilderness that made the LORD's path straight.

The Voice of the End Times is the Deuteronomy from God for the end of the age. Love God and keep His teachings in living by faith. This is a second time a Voice is crying in the wilderness 2,400 years after Malachi prophesised sending to us Elijah before the great and terrible days of the Lord. He is now at the door.

David Kam

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Author: David KAM

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Jason KAM

Publisher: Jason KAM

Author: David KAM

Art Designer: Jason KAM

Jason KAM

Publisher: Jason KAM

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